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Pet Leveling

 As pets fight they will gain exp points. As they gain exp they will gain levels. At each level the pet will gain some ability points for the owner to distribute to that pets stats, resists, damage, and etc.

Each pet has its own dynamic next level. This is based on the pets overall stats. when the pets exp points match or surpass the next level the pet gains a level and the next level is increased. (any one who has every played and rpg knows this song and dance) when the pet gains a level its exp points are set back to 0 and it all starts over again.

Pets only gain exp from phyical attacks at this time. They wont gain it off magic attacks. nore will they gain exp off fighting players. The amount of exp gained per attack is based on the creature it is fighting. If the creature is weak the pet will gain a small amount each attack. If there creature is strong the pet will gain a larger amount.

When a pet gains a level the owner can then click once on the pet and pick "NPC Info" from the context menu. From this menu you can see alot of stats about your pet, Level,Max Level, Next Level. >>                                                                                                              

Made by Mar