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The art of Beekeeping

Over all health offers an indication of the average bee's well being:

Thriving - the bees are extremely healthy. A thriving colony produces honey and wax at an increased rate.

Healthy - the bees are healthy and producing excess honey and wax.

Sickly - the bees are sickly and no longer producing excess resources.

Dying - if something isn't done quickly, bee population will begin to drop.

Bee population is a rough estimate of the number of bees in a hive. More bees does not always mean better for a large hive is more difficult to maintain. More water and flowers are needed in the area to support a large hive (the range a hive can check for flowers and water is increased as the hive gets larger). If the conditions get bad enough, a colony of bees will abscond, leaving an empty hive behind.

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